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Cheshire Village @ Home
a program of the Keene Senior Center

Our regular shift hours are Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 12:00pm
For more information: call (603) 903-9680 or email


HomeServices Offered

Our volunteers:

  • give rides within western Cheshire County for medical appointments, grocery shopping, social visits, or any other reason
  • help you with occasional minor chores in your home such as changing hard to reach batteries and light bulbs, repairing a loose door handle, or even flipping your mattress!
  • make check-in or social calls to you on a daily, weekly, or other basis.

The following are some examples of tasks that we do for our members:

  • Accompany you to a medical appointment and take notes
  • Hang pictures or mirrors
  • Fix/replace a hinge/door knob
  • Lubricate door hinges
  • Take down/put up a curtain rod/curtains
  • Replace light bulbs (12 ft. max height)
  • Replace furnace/ refrigerator/ AC filters
  • Flip bed mattresses
  • Set up TV/cable/garage remotes
  • Change smoke alarm or remote-control batteries
  • Help with computer issues
  • Install PC software or new hardware (only when member is present to enter passwords)
  • Program a thermostat
  • Reset breakers or GFI…once
  • Winterize a foundation (hay, plastic, etc.)
  • Attach/remove window film for winter
  • Pull down storm windows
  • Lift heavy boxes
  • Bring things down from attic using pulldown ladder (with second volunteer)
  • Put up/bring down seasonal clothing
  • Install shower head
  • Replace toilet seat, toilet tank flapper, adjust tank water level
  • Paint mailbox
  • Replace a door screen
  • Replace/repair doorbells
  • Repair, tighten, bring in, or bring out a garden hose
  • Bring in or take out patio furniture
  • Repot houseplants
  • Weed garden
  • Install solar yard lights