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Cheshire Village @ Home
a program of the Keene Senior Center

Our regular shift hours are Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 12:00pm
For more information: call (603) 903-9680 or email


Our New PSA!
  Hear it on the Monadnock Radio station or here.

Cheshire Village @ Home (CVAH) is an annual fee-based program

for individuals or couples over the age of 50. 

We are a program of the Keene Senior Center in Keene NH.


Cheshire Village offers older adults an affordable option for staying in their own homes when transportation and household chores become difficult.  CVAH is for those who wish to remain independent and socially connected to their communities.


Cheshire Village at Home is a membership organization for people over 50, providing you with a single point of access to a network of trained volunteers. Once you join us, one call sets you up with a ride, help at home, social visits, or social & wellness calls as often as you want. We also hold free social events such as coffees, ice cream socials, and presentations by local experts.


We are a local effort non-profit and are neither a real estate development nor a retirement community.


We are a network of caring volunteers and trusted, trained service


Please note that when the Keene Senior Center is closed for weather or a holiday, we are closed as well.


If you are applying for annual membership, there is a $200 deposit required,

(for 6-month memberships, the deposit is $100)

which should be sent in along with the application. We will refund your deposit if, 

for some reason, you do not complete the membership process.

There are a limited amount of scholarships available. Call for more info.

There is no deposit required for Trial Memberships.  


Our membership process is:

1) submit your application(s) and deposit (if required);

(one application per member, two if it's for a household) 

2) we will contact you and arrange a Home Visit;

3) you will receive a Welcome Letter and can begin using our service

To find a membership or volunteer application, please visit our Documents page.